
About Our Logistic

A little about us


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  • 20 years of experience
  • 200k happy customers
  • 30+ branches anywhere
  • Professional shipping
  • Money back guarantee
  • Support all days
  • 100% Secure Logistic
  • Powerful Trucks

About us

T.C.E.C Trading Consultancy and Engineering Company is a limited liability company (SARL) registered in Beirut, Lebanon. We are working in different major to provide solutions and securing international organizations in a shared commitment to humanitarian goals.


Our  team

T.C.E.C offers from engineering vision vast experience in international trading, procurement and technical assistance.

We offer proven competence in the management of the complex technical, financial and logistics aspects of international development projects.

We have developed strategic partnership with local companies in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East Area.



  • UNDP
  • UNON
  • World Bank
  • ILO
  • – EuropeAid and other NGO’s.


Our mission is foster cooperation and create synergies by providing innovative solutions to the project management. We tailor our approach to the specific needs and expectations of our clients. We integrate sector specific expertise and current know-how to ensure added value and successful project implementation.T.C.E.C participate in projects financed and organized by the EU, UN and World Bank for the supply of goods and services in Worldwide.


T.C.E.C has very good experience of trading in agriculture items, IT and industrial in more than 30 countries Worldwide.
Our commitment to continuous research enables us to identify the most qualified and competitive suppliers for our international ad institutional clients.


Meet Our Expert Team

We are professional and we work together


Rose Berena

Support Manager

Mike King Man

Co founder, Manager

Jack McCalister

Transportation Manager

Sarah Young

Financial Manager


Our Famous Partners

See who worked with us so far
